Digital Renaissance Editions

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  • Title: Englishmen For My Money (Quarto 1, 1616)
  • Editor: Natalie Aldred
  • ISBN:

    Copyright Digital Renaissance Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: William Haughton
    Editor: Natalie Aldred
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Englishmen For My Money (Quarto 1, 1616)

    Engli sh-men for my money: or,
    ges? what an old A s s e is my Mai ster; why he may speake
    flaunte taunte as well as French, for I cannot vnder stand him.
    175 Pisa. If he speake French, thus he will say, Awee awee:
    What, can st thou remember it?
    Frisc. Oh, I haue it now, for I remember my great
    Grandfathers Grandmothers si sters coosen told mee, that
    Pigges and French-men, speake one Language, awee awee;I
    180am Dogg at this: But what mu st he speake else?
    Pisa. Dutch Frisc. Let's heere it?
    Pisa. Haunce butterkin slowpin.
    Fris . Oh this is nothing, for I can speake perfect Dutch
    when I li st.
    185 Pisa. Can you, I pray let's heare some?
    Frisc. Nay I mu st haue my mouth full of Meate fir st,
    and then you shall heare me grumble it foorth full mouth,
    as Haunce Butterkin slowpin frokin: No, I am a simple Dutch -
    wan: Well, Ile about it.
    190 Pisa. Stay sirra, you are too ha stie; for hee mu st speake
    one Language more.
    Frisc. More Languages? I tru st he shall haue Tongues
    enough for one mouth: But what is the third?
    Pisa. Italian.
    195 Fris . Why that is the ea sie st of all, for I can tell whether
    he haue any Italian in him euen by looking on him.
    Pisa. Can you so, as how?
    Fris . Marry by these three Poynts: a Wanton Eye,
    Pride in his Apparell, and the Diuell in his Countenance.
    200Well, God keepe me from the Diuel in seeking this French -
    man: But doe you heare mee Mai ster, what shall my fel-
    low Anthony doe, it seemes he shall serue for nothing but to
    put Lattin into my young Mi s s tre s s es. Exit Frisco.
    Pisa. Hence a s s e, hence loggerhead, begon I say.
    205And now to you that reades Philosophy,
    Packe from my house, I doe discharge thy seruice,
    And come not neere my dores; for if thou do st,
    Ile make thee a publicke example to the world.