Digital Renaissance Editions

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  • Title: Englishmen For My Money (Quarto 1, 1616)
  • Editor: Natalie Aldred
  • ISBN:

    Copyright Digital Renaissance Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: William Haughton
    Editor: Natalie Aldred
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Englishmen For My Money (Quarto 1, 1616)

    A Woman will haue her will.
    1180 Pisa. No sirra, stay you heere; but one word more:
    Did they appoint thẽ come one by one, or else al together?
    Frisc. Altogether: Lord that such a young man as you
    should haue no more witt: why if they should come toge-
    ther, one could not make rome for them, but comming one
    1185by one, theyle stand there if there were twenty of them.
    Pisa. How this newes glads me, and reuiues my soule:
    How say you sirs, what will you haue a ie st worth the
    telling; nay worth the acting: I haue it Gentlemen,
    I haue it Friends.
    1190 Alua. Signor Pisaro, I prey de gratia watte maniere sal
    we haue? wat will the parler? wat bon do you know
    Signor Pisaro, dicheti noi signor Pisaro.
    Pisa.Oh that youth so sweete, so soone should turne
    to age; were I as you, why this were sport alone for me to
    Harke yee, harke yee; heere my man,
    Saith, that the Girles haue sent for Mai ster Heigham
    And his two friends; I know they loue them dear,
    And therefore wi sh them late at night be heere
    1200To reuell with them: Will you haue a ie st,
    To worke my will, and giue your longings re st:
    Why then M. Uandalle, and you two,
    Shall soone at midnight come, as they should doe,
    And court the Wenches; and to be be vnknowne,
    1205And taken for the men, whom they alone
    So much affect; each one shall change his name:
    Mai ster Uandalle, you shall take Heigham, and you
    Younge Haruie, and mon sieur Delion Ned,
    And vnder shadowes, be of sub stance sped:
    1210How like you this deuice? how thinke you of it?
    Delio. Oh de braue de galliarde deuise: me sal come by de
    nite and contier faire de Anglois Gentlehomes dicte nous
    ain si mon sieur Pisaro.
    Pisa. You are in the right sir.
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