Digital Renaissance Editions

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  • Title: Englishmen For My Money (Quarto 1, 1616)
  • Editor: Natalie Aldred
  • ISBN:

    Copyright Digital Renaissance Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: William Haughton
    Editor: Natalie Aldred
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Englishmen For My Money (Quarto 1, 1616)

    A Woman will haue her will.
    Haru. Marrie and shall: a right good motion:
    Sirrs, old Pisaro is growne kind of late,
    And in pure loue, hath bid vs home to dinner.
    630 Heigh. Good newes in truth: But wherefore art thou sad?
    Walg. For feare the slaue ere it be dinner time,
    Remembring what he did, recall his word:
    For by his idle speaches, you may sweare,
    His heart was not confederat with his tongue.
    635 Haru. Tut neuer doubt, keepe stomacks till anone,
    And then we shall haue cates to feede vpon.
    Pisa. Well sir, since things doe fall so crosely out,
    I mu st dispose my selfe to patience:
    But for your bu sine s s e, doe you a s s ure your selfe,
    640At my repayring home from the Exchange,
    Ile set a helping hand vnto the same.

    Enter Aluaro the Italian.
    Alua. Bon iurno signeour Padre, why be de malancollie so
    much, and graue in you a? wat Newes make you looke
    645 so naught?
    Pisa. Naught is too good an epithite by much,
    For to di stingui sh such contrariousne s s e:
    Hath not swift Fame told you our slow sailde Shippes
    Haue been ore-taken by the swift saile Gallies,
    650And all my cared-for goods within the lurch
    Of that same Catterpiller brood of Spaine.
    Alua. Signor si , how de Spaniola haue almo st tacke de
    Ship dat go for Turkie: my Pader, harke you me on word,
    I haue receiue vn lettre from my Factor de Vennise, dat after
    655 vn piculo battalion, for vn halfe howre de come a Winde
    fra de North, & de Sea go tumble here, & tumble dare, dat
    make de Gallies run away for feare be almo st drownde.
    Pisa. How sir; did the Winde rise at North, and Seas
    waxe rough: and were the Gallies therefore glad to fly?
    660 Alu. Signior si , & de Ship go dritte on de Iscola de Candy .
    C 3