Digital Renaissance Editions

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  • Title: Englishmen For My Money (Quarto 1, 1616)
  • Editor: Natalie Aldred
  • ISBN:

    Copyright Digital Renaissance Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: William Haughton
    Editor: Natalie Aldred
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Englishmen For My Money (Quarto 1, 1616)

    Engli sh -men for my money: or,
    Houer about one Coarse with greedy pawes:
    Yf needes youle haue me stay till I am dead,
    Carrion for Crowes, Mathea for her Ned:
    And so farewell, we Si sters doe agree,
    1150To haue our willes, but nere to haue you three. Exeunt.
    Delio. Madama attendez, Madama: is she alle? doe she
    mockque de nows in such sort?
    Uand. Oh de pe stilence, hoe if dat ick can neit dese En-
    glese spreake vel, it shal hir Fader seg how dit is to pa s s e
    1155 gecomen.
    Enter Pisaro.
    Alua. Ne parlate, see here signors de Fader.
    Pisa. Now Friends, now Gentlemen, how speedes your
    worke; haue you not found them shrewd vnhappy girls?
    1160 Uand. Me ster Pisaro, de Dochter mai stris Laurentia calle
    me de Dyel, den A s s e, for that ic can neit engle sh spreken.
    Alua. Ande dat we sal no parler, dat we sal no hauar
    den for de wiue.
    Pisa>. Are they so lu sty? Dare they be so proude?
    1165Well, I shall find a time to meete with them:
    In the meane season, pray frequent my house.

    Enter Frisco running.
    Ho now sirra, whither are you running?
    Frisc. About a little tiny busine s s e.
    1170 Pisa. What busine s s e, A s s e?
    Frisc. Indeed I was not sent to you: and yet I was sent
    after the three Gen-men that din'd here, to bid them come
    to our house at ten a clocke at night, when you were abed.
    Pisa. Ha, what is this? Can this be true?
    1175What, art thou sure the Wenches bade them come?
    Frisc. So they said, vnle s s e their mindes be changed
    siince: for a Woman is like a Weather-cocke they say, & I
    am sure of no more then I am certaine of: but Ile go in and
    bid them send you word, whether they shall come or no.