Digital Renaissance Editions

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  • Title: Englishmen For My Money (Quarto 1, 1616)
  • Editor: Natalie Aldred
  • ISBN:

    Copyright Digital Renaissance Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: William Haughton
    Editor: Natalie Aldred
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Englishmen For My Money (Quarto 1, 1616)

    A Woman will haue her will.
    For I would ship them straight away for Stoade:
    I doe wi sh you my Mony fore another.
    Brow. Fayth you know my price sir, if you haue them.
    Pisa. You are to deare in sadne s s e, mai ster Heigham:
    490You were about to say somewhat, pray proceede.
    Heigh. Then this is was: those Landes that are not

    Enter Po st .
    Po st . God ble s s e your wor ship.
    495 Pisaro. I mu st craue pardon; Oh sirra, are you come?
    Walg. Hoyda, hoyda; Whats the matter now;
    Sure, yonder fellow will be torn in peeces.
    Haru. Whats hee, sweete youths; that so they flocke (about:
    What old Pisaro tainted with this madne s s e?
    500 Heigh. Vpon my life, tis some body bringes newes;
    The Courte breakes vp, and wee shall know their Coun- (sell:
    Looke, looke, how busely they fall to reading.
    Pisa.I am the la st, you should haue kept it still:
    Well, we shall see what newes you bring with you;
    505Our duty premised, and we haue sent vnto your wor ship
    Sacke, siuill Oyles, Pepper, Barbery sugar, and such other
    commodities as we thought mo st requi site, we wanted
    mony therefore we are fayne to take vp 200.l. of Mai ster
    Towersons man, which by a bill of Exchange sent to him,
    510we would reque st your wor ship pay accordingly.
    You shall commaund sir, you shall commaunde sir,
    The newes here is, that the Engli sh shipes, the Fortune,
    your shipe, the aduenture and good lucke of London coa-
    sting along by Italy Towards Turky, were set vpon by to
    515 Spani sh -gallies, what became of them we know not, but
    doubt much by reason of the weathers calmne s s e.
    Pisa. How i st six to one the weather calme,
    Now afore God, who would not doubt their safety,
    A plague vpon these Spani sh -galli Pirattes,