Digital Renaissance Editions

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  • Title: Englishmen For My Money (Quarto 1, 1616)
  • Editor: Natalie Aldred
  • ISBN:

    Copyright Digital Renaissance Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: William Haughton
    Editor: Natalie Aldred
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Englishmen For My Money (Quarto 1, 1616)

    A Woman will haue her will.
    2075 Pisa. Why, turnd you not both on the left hand?
    Frisc. No for-sooth we turnd on the left hand.
    Pisa. Hoyda, why yet you went both together.
    Fris . Ah no, we went cleane contrary one from another.
    Pisa. Why Dolt, why Patch, why A s s e,
    2080On which hand turnd yee?
    Frisc. Alas, alas, I cannot tell for-sooth, it was so darke
    I could not see, on which hand we turnd: But I am sure we
    turnd one way.
    Pisa. Was euer creature plagud with such a Dolt?
    2085My Sonne Vandall now hath lo st himselfe,
    And shall all night goe straying bout the Towne;
    Or meete with some strange Watch that knowes him not;
    And all by such an arrant A s s e as this.
    Anth. No, no, you may soone smel the Dutchmans lodg- (ing:
    2090Now for a Figure: Out alas, what's yonder?
    Pisa. Where?
    Fris . Hoyda, hoyda, a Basket: it turnes, hoe.
    Pisa. Peace ye Villaine, and let's see who's there?
    Goe looke about the House; where are our weapons?
    2095 What might this meane?
    Frisc. Looke, looke, looke; there's one in it, he peeps out:
    Is there nere a Stone here to hurle at his Nose.
    Pisa. What, would st thou breake my Windowes
    with a Stone? How now, who's there, who are you sir?
    2100 Frisc. Looke, he peepes out againe: Oh it's M. Mend-
    all, it's M. Mendall: how got he vp thither?
    Pisa. What, my Sonne Vandalle, how comes this to pa s s e?
    Alua. Signor Vandalle, wat do yo goe to de wen she in de
    2105 Vand. Oh Vadere, Vadere, here be su sh cruell Dochter-
    kens, ick ben also wery, also wery, also cold; for be in dit
    little Basket: Ic prey helpe dene.
    Frisc. He lookes like the signe of the Mouth without
    Bi shops gate, gaping, and a great Face, and a great Head,