Digital Renaissance Editions

About this text

  • Title: An Humorous Day's Mirth (Quarto 1, 1599)
  • Editor: Eleanor Lowe
  • Coordinating editor: Brett Greatley-Hirsch
  • General textual editor: Helen Ostovich
  • ISBN: 978-1-55058-513-1

    Copyright Digital Renaissance Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: George Chapman
    Editor: Eleanor Lowe
    Peer Reviewed

    An Humorous Day's Mirth (Quarto 1, 1599)

    dayes mirth.
    Quee. Well, whats for me?
    Ca. A heart of gold.
    Quee. A goodly iewell.
    1925Le. Count Laberuele and Florila.
    La. Whats my posie sir I pray?
    Le. Mary this my Lord,
    Of all fortunes friends, that hath ioy in this life,
    He is most happy that puts a sure trust in his wife.
    1930La. A very good one sir, I thanke you for it.
    Flo. Whats mine I pray?
    Le. Mary this Madam,
    Good fortune be thou my good fortune bringer,
    And make me amends for my poore bitten finger.
    1935La. Who bit your finger wife?
    Flo. No body; tis vaine posie.
    Ca. Blanke for my lord Laberuele, for his wife a posie,
    a paire of holy beades with a crucifix.
    Flo. O bommination Idole, Ile none of them.
    1940Ki. Keepe them thy self Veron, she will not haue them.
    Le. Dowsecer and Martia I haue fitted your lordship
    for a posie.
    Dow. Why what is it?
    Le. Ante omnia vna.
    1945Ma. And what is mine sir?
    Le. A serious one I warrant you change: for the better.
    Ma. Thats not amisse.
    Ca. A price: Dowsecer hath a cats eyes or Mercuries rod
    of gold, set with Iacinths and Emeralds.
    1950Dow. What is for Martia?
    Ca. Martia hath the two serpents heades set with Dia-
    Le. What my host Uerone?
    Ki. What? is he in for his owne iewells.
    1955Le. O what els my liege, tis our bountie, and his posie is
    To tel you the truth in words plaine and mild,
    Verone loues his maide, and she is great with child.
    H Ki. What