Digital Renaissance Editions

About this text

  • Title: An Humorous Day's Mirth (Quarto 1, 1599)
  • Editor: Eleanor Lowe
  • Coordinating editor: Brett Greatley-Hirsch
  • General textual editor: Helen Ostovich
  • ISBN: 978-1-55058-513-1

    Copyright Digital Renaissance Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: George Chapman
    Editor: Eleanor Lowe
    Peer Reviewed

    An Humorous Day's Mirth (Quarto 1, 1599)

    dayes mirth.
    Flo. You are very welcome sir, and I pray how doth he.
    Cat. In health Madam, thanks be to God, commending
    his dutie to your ladiship, & hath sent you a message which
    I would desire your honour to heare in priuate.
    280Flo. My ladiship, and my honor, they be words which I
    must haue you leaue, they be ydle woordes, and you shal
    answere for them truly: my dutye to you, or I desire you,
    were a great deale better, then, my ladiship, or my honour.
    Cat. I thanke you for your christian admonition.
    285Flo. Nay thanke God for me: Come I will heare your
    message with all my heart, and you are very welcome sir.
    Lab. With all my heart, and you are very welcome sir, and
    go and talke with a yong lustie fellow able to make a mans
    haire stand vpright on his head, what puritie is there in this
    290trow you? ha, what wench of the facultie could haue beene
    more forward? Well sir, I will know your message, you sir,
    you sir, what sayes the holy man sir, come tell true, for by
    heauen or hell I will haue it out.
    Cat. Why you shall sir, if you be so desirous.
    295Lab. Nay sir, I am more then so desirous: come sir, study
    not for a new deuice now.
    Cat. Not I my lord, this is both new and old, I am a scho-
    ler, and being spiritually inclined by your ladies most godly
    life, I am to professe the ministerie, & to become her chap-
    300laine, to which end monsier du Barte hath commended me.
    Lab. Her chaplaine in the diuels name, fit to be vickar
    of hell.
    Flo. My good head, what are you afraid of? he comes with
    a godly & neighborly sute: what think you his words or his
    305looks can tempt me? haue you so litle faith? if euery word he
    spake were a serpent, as suttle as that which tempted Eue, he
    cannot tempt me I warrant you.
    La. Wel answered for him lady by my faith: wel hark you
    Ile keepe your chaplaines place yonder for a while, and at
    310length put in one my self: what more yet? Gods my passion
    whom do I see, the very imp of desolation, the miniō of our
    B 2 Kings