Not Peer Reviewed
- Edition: The Honest Whore, Part 2
The Honest Whore, Part 2 (Quarto 1, 1630)
- Introduction
- The Honest Whore, Parts 1 and 2: Acknowledgements
- The Honest Whore, Parts 1 and 2: Abbreviations
- The Honest Whore, Parts 1 and 2: Introduction
- The Honest Whore, Parts 1 and 2: Analysis of the Plays
- The Honest Whore, Parts 1 and 2: The Plays in Performance
- The Honest Whore, Parts 1 and 2: Textual Introduction
- The Honest Whore, Parts 1 and 2: Appendices
- Texts of this edition
- Facsimiles
The Honest Whore.
2817trade, till such as I am tooke it out of their hands: good
2821wife, for your bread, away.
2822Pen. Out you Dog, a pox on you all, women are borne to
2824king Dice for a penny-worth of Pippins: out, you blue-eyed
2825Rogue. Exit.
2826Omnes. Ha, ha, ha.
2832And thus if men come to her, haue her eyes wrung, and
2833wept out her bayle.
2834Omnes. Bots, you know her?
2835Bots. Is there any Gentleman here, that knowes not a
2836Whore, and is he a haire the worse for that?
28381. Master. No, my good Lord, that's onely but the vaile
2840In gayer Masking Suits, as seuerall Sawces
2842In Whores is a bewitching Art: to day she's all in
2844To catch the Cittizen, and this from their Examinations
2847Nor yet is nice, 'tis a plaine ramping Beare,
2851Orl. Keep your grownd, Bots.
2853my selfe.
L Enter