Not Peer Reviewed
- Edition: The Honest Whore, Part 2
The Honest Whore, Part 2 (Quarto 1, 1630)
- Introduction
- The Honest Whore, Parts 1 and 2: Acknowledgements
- The Honest Whore, Parts 1 and 2: Abbreviations
- The Honest Whore, Parts 1 and 2: Introduction
- The Honest Whore, Parts 1 and 2: Analysis of the Plays
- The Honest Whore, Parts 1 and 2: The Plays in Performance
- The Honest Whore, Parts 1 and 2: Textual Introduction
- The Honest Whore, Parts 1 and 2: Appendices
- Texts of this edition
- Facsimiles
The Honest Whore.
1844Mat. I made no more adoe, but fell to my old locke, and
1846ther-in-law, and then walkt like a Lion in my grate.
1848Mat. Sirra, he could tell me of the robbing the two
1849Pedlers, and that warrants are out for vs both.
1858this can bite.
1860the signe of the Shipwracke.
1866Enter Hipollito and Bellafront.
1868But as ill man'd) her sinking will be wraught,
1869If rescue come not: like a Man of warre
1870Ile therefore brauely out: somewhat Ile doe,
1873Bel. Fate? your folly.
1875Are wound vp long agoe, which beauty spred,
1876The flowres that once grew here, are withered.
1877You turn'd my blacke soule white, made it looke new,