Not Peer Reviewed
- Edition: The Honest Whore, Part 2
The Honest Whore, Part 2 (Quarto 1, 1630)
- Introduction
- The Honest Whore, Parts 1 and 2: Acknowledgements
- The Honest Whore, Parts 1 and 2: Abbreviations
- The Honest Whore, Parts 1 and 2: Introduction
- The Honest Whore, Parts 1 and 2: Analysis of the Plays
- The Honest Whore, Parts 1 and 2: The Plays in Performance
- The Honest Whore, Parts 1 and 2: Textual Introduction
- The Honest Whore, Parts 1 and 2: Appendices
- Texts of this edition
- Facsimiles
The Honest Whore.
2674Enter Constable, after them Bots, after him two Beadles, one
2675with Hempe, the other with a Beetle.
2677Const. Yes, my Lord.
2680Soldier, and a Gentleman, and am brought in here with
2682downe that I liue (like those that keepe Bowling-alleyes)
2683by the sinnes of the people, in being a Squire of the body.
2686maintained by the best part that is commonly in a woman,
2688this company.
2689Lod. My Lord, 'tis true, we all know him, 'tis Lieutenant
2693tries: at the Groyne I was wounded in this thigh, and halted
2695hauing the bridge of my nose broken downe with two
2698vp at a Breach: I was fired, and lay i'th Surgeons hands
2699for't, till the fall of the leafe following.
2700Hip. All this may be, and yet you no Soldier.
2702proudest Commanders doe venture vpon, and neuer come
2705Ile vse you like a Gentleman: make roome there,
2707Strange Hawkes flie here before vs: if none light on you,
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