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  • Title: The Honest Whore, Part 2 (Quarto 1, 1630)
  • Editor: Joost Daalder
  • ISBN: 978-1-55058-490-5

    Copyright Digital Renaissance Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: Thomas Dekker
    Editor: Joost Daalder
    Not Peer Reviewed

    The Honest Whore, Part 2 (Quarto 1, 1630)

    The Honest Whore.
    In's face, my Lord, all full of change.
    Duke. He's no more life vnto Hipollito,
    Then dead men are to liuing -- neuer sleepes,
    Or if he doe, it's dreames; and in those dreames
    2140His armes worke, -- and then cries--Sweet--what's her
    Name, what's the drabs name?
    Ast. In troth, my Lord, I know not,
    I know no drabs, not I.
    Duke. Oh, Bellafront!
    2145And catching her fast, cries, My Bellafront.
    Car. A drench that's able to kill a Horse, cannot kill this
    disease of Smock-smelling, my Lord, if it haue once eaten
    Duke. Ile try all Phisicke, and this Med'cine first:
    2150I haue directed Warrants strong and peremptory
    (To purge our Citty Millan, and to cure the outward
    Parts, the Suburbes) for the attaching
    Of all those women, who (like gold) want waight,
    Citties (like Ships) should haue no idle fraight.
    2155Car. No, my Lord, and light wenches are no idle fraight,
    But what's your Graces reach in this?
    Duke. This (Carolo.) If she whom my Son doates on,
    Be in that Master-booke enrold, he'll shame
    Euer t' approach one of such noted name.
    2160Car. But say she be not?
    Duke. Yet on Harlots heads
    New Lawes shall fall so heauy, and such blowes shall
    Giue to those that haunt them, that Hipollito
    (If not for feare of Law) for loue to her,
    2165If he loue truely, shall her bed forbeare.
    Car. Attach all the light heeles i'th Citty, and clap em vp?
    why, my Lord? you diue into a Well vnsearchable: all the
    Whores within the walls, & without the walls? I would not
    be he should meddle with them for ten such Dukedomes;
    2170the Army that you speake on, is able to fill all the prisons
    within this Citty, and to leaue not a drinking roome in any
    Tauerne besides.