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  • Title: The Honest Whore, Part 2 (Quarto 1, 1630)
  • Editor: Joost Daalder
  • ISBN: 978-1-55058-490-5

    Copyright Digital Renaissance Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: Thomas Dekker
    Editor: Joost Daalder
    Not Peer Reviewed

    The Honest Whore, Part 2 (Quarto 1, 1630)

    The Honest Whore.
    Bel. Matheo?
    Mat. Your blue Coates stay for you, sir.
    I loue a good honest roaring Boy, and so----
    Orl. That's the Deuill.
    1700Mat. Sir, sir, Ile ha no Ioues in my house to thunder A-
    uaunt: she shall liue and be maintained, when you, like a
    keg of musty Sturgeon, shall stinke. Where? in your Coffin.
    How? be a musty fellow, and lowsie.
    Orl. I know she shall be maintained, but how? she like a
    1705Queane, thou like a Knaue; she like a Whore, thou like a
    Mat. Theife? Zounds Thiefe?
    Bel. Good dearest Mat.----Father.
    Mat. Pox on you both, Ile not be braued: New Sattin
    1710scornes to be put downe with bare bawdy Veluet. Thiefe?
    Orl. I Thiefe, th'art a Murtherer, a Cheater, a Whore-
    monger, a Pot-hunter, a Borrower, a Begger----
    Bel. Deare Father.
    Mat. An old Asse, a Dog, a Churle, a Chuffe, an Vsurer, a
    1715Villaine, a Moth, a mangy Mule, with an old veluet foot-
    cloth on his backe, sir.
    Bel. Oh me!
    Orl. Varlet, for this Ile hang thee.
    Mat. Ha, ha, alas.
    1720Orl. Thou keepest a man of mine here, vnder my nose.
    Mat. Vnder thy beard.
    Orl. As arrant a smell-smocke, for an old Mutton-munger,
    as thy selfe.
    Mat. No, as your selfe.
    1725Orl. As arrant a purse-take. as euer cride, Stand, yet a
    good fellow, I confesse, and valiant, but he'll bring thee to'th Gallowes; you both haue robd of late two poore Country
    Mat. How's this? how's this? doest thou flie hie? rob
    1730Pedlers? beare witnes Front, rob Pedlers? my man and I a
    Bel. Oh, sir, no more.