Digital Renaissance Editions

About this text

  • Title: Jack Juggler (Quarto 1)
  • Editor: David Swain
  • Textual editor: Dr. Sarah Neville
  • Coordinating editor: Brett Greatley-Hirsch
  • ISBN: 978-1-55058-490-5

    Copyright David Swain. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: Anonymous
    Editor: David Swain
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Jack Juggler (Quarto 1)

    Sumwhat it was sayeth the prouerbe olde
    That the catte winked when here ye was out
    1145That is to saye no tale can be tolde
    But that sum Engly she maye be piked therof out
    yf to serche the laten and ground of it men wil go aboute
    As this trifling enterlud yt before you hath bine rehersed
    May sygnifye sum further meaning if it be well serched

    1150Such is the fa shyon of the worlde now a dayes
    That the symple innosaintes ar deluded
    And an hundred thousand diuers wayes
    By suttle and craftye meanes shamefullie abused
    And by strenth force,and vyolence oft tymes compelled
    1155To beliue and saye the moune is made of agrene chese
    Or ells haue great harme,and parcace their lfie lese

    And an olde saying it is that mo st tymes,myght
    Force, strength,power, & colorable subtlete
    Dothe oppre s s e, debare, ouercum and defeate ryght
    1160Though the cause stand neuer so greatlye again st equite
    And ye truth therof be knowẽ for neuer so p_fit certantye
    ye ∧ the poore semple innocent yt hath had wrong ∧ iniury
    Mu st call ye other his good mai ster for shewing hym such (marcye)
    1165And as it is daylie syne for fere of ferther disprofite
    He mu st that man his be st frende and mai ster call
    Of whome he neuer receiued any maner benefite
    And at whose hand he neuer had any good at all
    And mu st graunt, affirme, or denye, what soeuer he shall
    1170He mu st saye the Croue is whight, yf he be so cõmaũded
    ye and that he him selfe is into a nother body chaunged
