Digital Renaissance Editions

About this text

  • Title: Jack Juggler (Quarto 1)
  • Editor: David Swain
  • Textual editor: Dr. Sarah Neville
  • Coordinating editor: Brett Greatley-Hirsch
  • ISBN: 978-1-55058-490-5

    Copyright David Swain. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: Anonymous
    Editor: David Swain
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Jack Juggler (Quarto 1)

    600And then I wol confese that thou art I
    Iake iugler
    When my mai ster came to the gentylmans place
    He commaundid me too rune home a great pace
    Too fet thither my mai steris and by the waye
    605I dyd a good whill at the bukelers playe
    Then came I by a wife that did co sterds sell
    And ca st downe hir basket fayre and well
    And gatherid as many as I could gete
    And put theim in my sleue here they bee yet
    610 Careawaie
    How the diuell should thei cume there
    For I dyd them all in my owne sleue bere
    He lyeth not a worde in all this
    Nor dothe in any one poynt myse
    615For ought I se yet betwene erne ste and game
    I mu st go sike me a nother name
    But thou mighte st see al this, tell the re st that is behind
    And there I know I shall thee a lyer fynd
    Iake iugler
    620I ran thens homewarde a contrarye waye
    And whether I stoped there or naye
    I could tell if me lu steth a good token
    But it may not here very well be spoken
    625Noo may I praye thee let no man that here
    But tell it me pryuelye in myne ere
    Iake iugler
    I thou lo st all thy mony at dice chri st geue it his curse
    wel and truelye pycked before out of an other mãs por se
    630 Careawaye.
    Godes bodye horeson thife who told thee that same
