Digital Renaissance Editions

About this text

  • Title: Jack Juggler (Quarto 1)
  • Editor: David Swain
  • Textual editor: Dr. Sarah Neville
  • Coordinating editor: Brett Greatley-Hirsch
  • ISBN: 978-1-55058-490-5

    Copyright David Swain. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: Anonymous
    Editor: David Swain
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Jack Juggler (Quarto 1)

    245And what soeuer she too my mai steris doth saye
    It is writen in the gospell of the same daye
    Therfore I woll here with my selfe deuise
    What I may be st say, and in what wise
    I may excuse this my long taryeng
    250That she of my negligence may suspect nothyng
    For if the fault of this befound in mee
    I may giue me life for halpenis three
    Hic cogitabundo similis sedeat
    Let me stodie this moneth & I shall not fiend
    255A better deuise then now is cume to my mynd
    Mai stries woll I saye, I am bound by my dutie
    To see that your womanhod haue noo iniurie
    For I heare and see more then you now and then
    And your selfe partlie know the wantin wyles of men
    260When wee came yender there dyd I see
    My may ster ki s s e gentilwomen tow or three
    And to come emongs others my thought bysye
    He had a myruayllus great phantasye
    A non he commaundyd me to run thens for you
    265To cũe supe ther if you wold but I wot not how
    My hart grudgid mi stru sting le st yt I being awai
    My mai ster wold sum light ca st playe
    Whervpon mai stries to see the ende
    I tarried halfe supper time so god me mend
    270And besyds that ther was such other compainye
    As I know your mai stri ship settith nothyng by
    Gorges damies of the corte and galaunts also
    With doctours, and other rufflers mo
    At la st when I thought it tyme and seasune
    275I cam too certifie you as it was reasune
    And by the way whome should I mete
