Digital Renaissance Editions

About this text

  • Title: Jack Juggler (Quarto 1)
  • Editor: David Swain
  • Textual editor: Dr. Sarah Neville
  • Coordinating editor: Brett Greatley-Hirsch
  • ISBN: 978-1-55058-490-5

    Copyright David Swain. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: Anonymous
    Editor: David Swain
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Jack Juggler (Quarto 1)

    920 Careawaye
    Now by my chry stendome syr I wot nere
    Why can st thou fynde no man to moke but mee
    925I moke you not mai ster soo mot I thee
    Euerye word was trew that I you tolde
    Nay I know toyes and prankes of olde
    And now thou art not satisfyed nor content
    930Without regarde of my biddinges and cõmaũdemẽt
    To haue played by the waye as a leude knaue & negligẽt
    When I thee on my me s s age home sent
    But also wolde st willinglie me delude and moke
    And make me too all wyse men a laughing stoke
    935 shewing me suche thinges as in no wise be maye
    To ye intent yt thi leudnes mai turne to ie st & play
    Therfore if yu speake any such thing to me agaĩe
    I promyse it shalbe vnto thy payne
    940Loo is not he in myserable case
    That sarueth suche a mai ster in any place
    that with force woll compel him ye thing to denye
    That he knoweth true, and hath syne wt his ye
    945was it not troie st thou thyne owne shadoo
    My shadoo could neuer haue beten me soo
    why by what reason po s s yble may suche a thyng bee
    950 Careawaye
    Nay I maruael and wonder at it more than ye
