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About this text

  • Title: The Honest Whore, Part 1 (Quarto 1, 1604)
  • Editor: Joost Daalder
  • Contributing editor: Brett Greatley-Hirsch
  • Coordinating editor: Brett Greatley-Hirsch
  • General textual editor: Eleanor Lowe
  • ISBN: 978-1-55058-490-5

    Copyright Digital Renaissance Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Authors: Thomas Dekker, Thomas Middleton
    Editor: Joost Daalder
    Peer Reviewed

    The Honest Whore, Part 1 (Quarto 1, 1604)

    lessons, but Ile prick you all,-Fidler-Doctor-Tayler-Shoo-
    2690maker,-Shoomaker-Fidler-Doctor-Tayler-so! lye with my
    wife agen now.
    Castr. See how he notes the other now he feedes.
    2. Mad. Giue me some porridge.
    3. Mad. Ile giue thee none.
    26952. Mad. Giue me some porridge.
    3. Mad. Ile not giue thee a bit,
    2. Mad. Giue me that flap-dragon.
    3. Mad. Ile not giue thee a spoonefull: thou liest, its no
    Dragon tis a Parrat, that I bought for my sweete heart, and
    2700ile keepe it.
    2. Mad. Heres an Almond for Parrat.
    3. Mad. Hang thy selfe.
    2. Mad. Heres a roape for Parrat.
    3. Mad. Eate it, for ile eate this.
    27052. Mad. Ile shoote at thee and thow't giue me none.
    3. Mad. Wut thou?
    2. Mad. Ile run a tilt at thee and thow't giue me none.
    3. Mad. Wut thou? doe and thou dar'st.
    2. Mad. Bownce.
    27103. Mad. Ooh! I am slaine-murder, murder, murder, I am
    slaine, my braines are beaten out.
    Ans. How now you villaines, bring me whips: ile whip you
    3. Mad. I am dead, I am slaine, ring out the bel, for I am dead,
    Duk. How will you do now sirra? you ha kild him.
    27152. Mad. Ile answer't at Sessions: he was eating of Almond
    Butter, and I longd for't: the child had neuer bin deliuered
    out of my belly, if I had not kild him, Ile answer't at sessions,
    so my wife may be burnt ith hand too.
    Ans. Take em in both: bury him, for hees dead.
    27203. Mad. I indeed, I am dead, put me I pray into a good pit (hole.
    2. Mad. Ile answer't at Sessions. Exeunt.
    Enter Bellafronte mad.
    Ans. How now huswife, whether gad you?
    Bell. A nutting forsooth: how doe you gaffer? how doe
    2725you gaffer? theres a French cursie for you too.
    Flu. Tis Bellafronte.