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  • Title: The Honest Whore, Part 1 (Quarto 1, 1604)
  • Editor: Joost Daalder
  • Contributing editor: Brett Greatley-Hirsch
  • Coordinating editor: Brett Greatley-Hirsch
  • General textual editor: Eleanor Lowe
  • ISBN: 978-1-55058-490-5

    Copyright Digital Renaissance Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Authors: Thomas Dekker, Thomas Middleton
    Editor: Joost Daalder
    Peer Reviewed

    The Honest Whore, Part 1 (Quarto 1, 1604)

    Cast. Her's most herculaniā Tobacco, ha some acquaintāce?
    830Bel. Fah, not I, makes your breath stinke, like the pisse of a
    Foxe. Acquaintance, where supt you last night?
    Cast. At a place sweete acquaintance where your health
    danc'de the Canaries y'faith: you should ha ben there.
    Bell. I there among your Punkes, marry fah, hang-em:
    835scorn't: will you neuer leaue sucking of egs in other folkes
    hens neasts.
    Cast. Why in good troth, if youle trust me acquaintance,
    there was not one hen at the board, aske Fluello.
    Flu. No faith Coz; none but Cocks, signior Malauella
    840drunke to thee. Bel. O, a pure beagle; that horse-leach there?
    Flu. And the knight, S. Oliuer Lollilo, swore he wold bestow
    a taffata petticoate on thee, but to breake his fast with thee.
    Bel. With me! Ile choake him then, hang him Mole-cat-
    cher, its the dreamingst snotty-nose.
    845Pio. Well, many tooke that Lollio for a foole, but he's a
    subtile foole. Bel. I, and he has fellowes: of all filthy
    dry-fisted knights, I cannot abide that he should touch me.
    Cast. Why wench, is he scabbed?
    Bel. Hang him, heele not liue to bee so honest, nor to the
    850credite to haue scabbes about him, his betters haue em: but
    I hate to weare out any of his course knight-hood, because
    hee's made like an Aldermans night-gowne, facst all with
    conny before, and within nothing but Foxe: this sweete
    Oliuer, will eate Mutton till he be ready to burst, but the
    855leane iawde-slaue wil not pay for the scraping of his trēcher.
    Pio. Plague him, set him beneath the sault, and let him not
    touch a bit, till euery one has had his full cut.
    Flu. Lord Ello, the Gentleman-Vsher came into vs too,
    marry twas in our cheese, for he had beene to borrow mony
    860for his Lord, of a Citizen.
    Cast. What an asse is that Lord, to borrow money of a
    Bell. Nay, Gods my pitty, what an asse is that Citizen to
    lend mony of a Lord.
    865 Enter Matheo and Hypolito, who saluting the Com-
    pany, as a stranger walkes off. Roger comes in sadly behind them,
    D with