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  • Title: The Honest Whore, Part 1 (Quarto 1, 1604)
  • Editor: Joost Daalder
  • Contributing editor: Brett Greatley-Hirsch
  • Coordinating editor: Brett Greatley-Hirsch
  • General textual editor: Eleanor Lowe
  • ISBN: 978-1-55058-490-5

    Copyright Digital Renaissance Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Authors: Thomas Dekker, Thomas Middleton
    Editor: Joost Daalder
    Peer Reviewed

    The Honest Whore, Part 1 (Quarto 1, 1604)

    Harlot! I, that's the spot that taynts my soule:
    What! has he left 1210his weapon heere behind him,
    And gone forgetfull? O fit instrument
    To let forth all the poyson of my flesh!
    Thy M. hates me, cause my bloud hath rang'd:
    But whē tis forth, then heele beleeue Ime chāg'd.
    Hip. Mad woman, what art doing? Enter Hipo.
    1215Bel. Eyther loue me,
    Or split my heart vpon thy Rapiers poynt:
    Yet doe not neyther; for thou then destroyst
    That which I loue thee for (thy vertues) here, here,
    Th'art crueller, and kilst me with disdayne:
    1220To die so, sheds no bloud, yet tis worse payne. ExitHipol.
    Not speake to me! not bid farewell! a scorne!
    Hated! this must not be, some meanes Ile try.
    Would all Whores were as honest now, as I. Exeunt.
    SCENA 7.
    1225Enter Candido, his wife, George, and two Prentices in the
    shop: Fustigo enters, walking by.
    Geor. See Gentlemen, what you lack? a fine Holland,
    a fine Cambrick, see what you buy.
    1. Pr. Holland for shirts, Cambrick for bands, what ist (you lack?
    1230Fust. Sfoot, I lack em all, nay more, I lack money to buy
    em: let me see, let me looke agen: masse this is the shop;
    What Coz! sweet Coz! how dost ifayth, since last night
    after candlelight? we had good sport ifayth, had we not?
    and when shals laugh agen?
    1235Wi. When you will, Cozen.
    Fust. Spoke like a kind Lacedemoniā: I see yonders thy (husband.
    Wi. I, ther's the sweet youth, God blesse him.
    Fust. And how ist Cozen? & how? how ist thou squall?
    Wi. Well, Cozen, how fare you?
    1240Fust. How fare I? troth, for sixpence a meale, wench, as
    wel as heart can wish, with Calues chaldrons and chitter-
    lings, besides I haue a Punck after supper, as good as a ro-(asted Apple.
    Cand. Are you my wiues Cozen?
    Fust. A am, sir, what hast thou to do with that?
    1245Cand. O, nothing but y'are welcome.
    E 2 Fust. The