Digital Renaissance Editions

Author: Thomas Dekker
Editors: Frances E. Dolan, Anna Pruitt
Not Peer Reviewed

The Whore of Babylon (Quarto, 1607)

T He Generall scope of this Drammaticall
Poem, is to set forth (in Tropicall and
0.040 shadowed collours) the Greatnes, Magna-
nimity, Con stancy, Clemency, and other
the incomparable Heroical vertues of our
late Queene And (on the contrary part)
the inueterate malice, Treasons, Ma-
0.045 chinations Vnderminings, & continual blody stratagems of that
Purple whore of Roome, to the taking away of our Princes liues,
and vtter extirpation of their Kingdomes. Wherein if accor-
ding to the dignity of the Subiect, I haue not giuen it Lu stre,
and (to vse the Painters rhethorick) doe so faile in my Depthes
0.050 & Heightnings, that it is not to the life, let this excuse me, that
the Pyramides vpon whose top the glorious Raigne of our de-
ceased Soueraigne was mounted, stands yet so high, and so sharp-
ly pointed into the clouds, that the Art of no pen is able to
reach it. The streame of her Vertues is so immēsurable, that the
0.055 farther they are waded into, the farther is it to the bottom.
In sayling vpon which two contrary Seas, you may obserue,
on how direct a line I haue steered my course: for of such a scant-
ling are my words set downe, that neither the one party speakes
too much, nor the other (in opppo sition) too little in their owne
0.060 defence.
And whereas I may, (by some more curions in censure, then
sound in iudgement) be Critically taxed, that I fal si fie the ac-
count of time, and set not down Occurrents, according to their
true succe s s ion, let such (that are so nice of stomach) know, that
0.065 I write as a Poet, not as an Hi storian, and that these two doe not
liue vnder one law. How true Fortunes dyall hath gone whose
Players (like so many clocks, haue struck my lines, and told the
world how I haue spent my houres) I am not certaine, because
mine eare stood not within reach of their Larums. But of
0.070 this my knowledge cannot faile, that in such Consorts,
many of the Instruments are for the mo st part out of tune,
And no maruaile; for let the Poet set the note of his Nombers,
euen to Apolloes owne Lyre, the Player will haue his owne Cro-
chets, and sing false notes, in di spite of all the rules of Mu sick.
0.075 It fares with these two, as it does with good stuffe and a badde
Tayler: It is not mard in the wearing, but in the cutting out.
The labours therfore of Writers are as vnhappie as the children
of a bewtifull woman, being spoyld by ill nurses, within a month
after they come into the world. What a number of throwes doe
0.080 we endure eare we be deliuered? and yet euen then (tho that hea-
uenly i ssue of our braine be neuer so faire and so well lymd,) is
it made lame by the bad handling of them to whome it is put to
learne to goe: if this of mine bee made a cripple by such meanes,
yet di spise him not for that deformity which stuck not vpon him
0.085 at his birth; but fell vpon him by mis-fortune, and in recompence
of such fauour, you shall (if your Patience can suffer so long)
heare now how himselfe can speake.