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  • Title: Fair Em (Quarto 2, 1631)
  • Editors: Brett Greatley-Hirsch, Kevin A. Quarmby
  • ISBN:

    Copyright Digital Renaissance Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: Anonymous
    Editors: Brett Greatley-Hirsch, Kevin A. Quarmby
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Fair Em (Quarto 2, 1631)

    of Manchester.
    Either well or ill, according to thy intent.
    If well thou wish to him and Saxonie,
    He bids thee friendly welcome as he can:
    If ill thou wish to him and Saxonie,
    1290He must withstand thy malice as he may.
    Zweno. William, for other name and title giue I none
    To him, who were he worthie of those honours
    That Fortune and his predecessors left,
    I ought by right and humaine courtesie
    1295To grace his style with duke of Saxonie.
    But for I finde a base degenerate minde,
    I frame my speech according to the man,
    And not the state that he vnworthie holds.
    William. Herein Zweno dost thou abase thy state,
    1300To breake the peace which by our auncesters
    Hath heretofore been honourably kept.
    Zweno. And should that peace for euer haue been kept,
    Had not thy selfe beene author of the breach:
    Nor stands it with the honour of my state,
    1305Or nature of a father to his childe,
    That I should so be robbed of my daughter,
    And not vnto the vtmost of my power
    Reuenge so intolerable an iniurie.
    William. is this the colour of your quarrell Zweno?
    1310I well perceiue the wisest men may erre.
    And thinke you I conueied away your daughter Blanch?
    Zweno. art thou so impudent to deny thou didst
    When that the proofe thereof is manifest;
    William. What proofe is there?
    1315Zweno. Thine owne confession is sufficient proofe.
    William. Did I confesse I stole your daughter Blanch?
    Zweno. Thou didst confesse thou hadst a Ladie hence.
    William. I haue and do.
    Zweno. Why that was Blanch my daughter,
    1320William. Nay that was Mariana,
    Who wrongfully thou detainest prisoner.