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  • Title: Fair Em (Quarto 1, 1593)
  • Editor: Brett Greatley-Hirsch
  • ISBN:

    Copyright Digital Renaissance Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: Anonymous
    Editor: Brett Greatley-Hirsch
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Fair Em (Quarto 1, 1593)

    The Millers daughter
    Whose strength subdues me more than all the world.
    Valingford. We goe and wishe thee priuate conference,
    Publicke affectes in this accustomed peace.
    35Exit all but William and the Marques.
    William. Now Marques must a Conquerer at armes
    disclose himselfe thrald to vnarmed thoughts,
    And threatned of a shaddowe, yeeld to lust:
    No sooner had my sparkeling eyes beheld
    40The flames of beautie blasing on this peece,
    But sodenly a sence of myracle
    Imagined on thy louely Maistres face,
    Made me abandon bodily regarde,
    And cast all pleasures on my woonded soule:
    45Then gentle Marques tell me what she is,
    That thus thou honourest on thy warlike shield.
    And if thy loue and interest be such,
    As iustly may giue place to myne,
    That if it be: my soule with honors wings
    50May fly into the bosome of my deere.
    Yf not, close them and stoope into my graue.
    Marques. Yf this be all renowned Conquerer:
    Aduance your drooping spirites, and reuiue
    The wonted courage of your Conquering minde,
    55For this faire picture painted on my shield
    Is the true counterfeit of louelie Blaunch
    Princes and daughter to the King of Danes:
    Whose beautie and excesse of ornamentes
    Deserues another manner of defence
    60Pompe and high person to attend her state,
    Then Marques Lubeck any way presents.
    Therefore her vertues I resigne to thee,
    Alreadie shrinde in thy religious brest,
    To be aduaunced and honoured to the full.
    65Nor beare I this an argument of loue:
    But to renowne faire Blaunch my Soueraignes child,
    In euerie place where I by armes may do it.