Not Peer Reviewed
Fair Em (Quarto 1, 1593)
0.011 A Pleasant Commodie of faire
0.012Em the Millers daughter of Manchester.
0.013With the loue of William the Conquerour.
1Actus Primus Scaena prima.
2Enter William the Conqueror: Marques Lubeck, with a picture:
3Mountney: Manuile: Ualingford: and Duke Dirot.
8Is of meere loue to your increasing ioyes:
9Only expecting cheerefull lookes for all.
11To dimme the brightnes of the day with frownes?
14I amorously do beare to your intent:
15For thanks and all that you can wish I yeeld.
17Is cause why thus I turne my conquering eyes
18To cowardes lookes and beaten fantasies.
21For if it issue from your owne conceits,
24Yet tell vs (good my Lord) what thought it is,
25That thus bereaues you of your late content,
27Or bend our forces to reuiue your spirits.
28W Con. Ah Marques Lubeck, in thy power it lyes
30And therefore, good my Lords forbeare a while,
31That we may parley of these priuate cares,
A 2