Not Peer Reviewed
Fair Em (Quarto 1, 1593)
of Manchester.
859And get we once to Seas, I force not then,
861Blaunch. But this I vrge you with your former oath.
863Vntill our marriage rights be all performed.
865And by the honour that I beare to Armes,
866Neuer to seeke or craue at hands of thee,
870Blanch. In hope your oath proceedeth from your heart,
871Lets leaue the Court, and betake vs to his power
872That gouernes all things to his mightie will,
874And plague the bad with most extreame annoy.
875William. Lady, as little tarriance as wee may,
878Enter the Miller, his man Trotter, & Manuile.
882Was neuer blotted with any title of defamation.
886Any euill intreatie. But should they haue profered it?
887Her chaste minde hath proofe enough to preuent it.
889For yfaith one of them gaue me sixe pence
890To fetch a quart of Seck. See maister here they come.
891Enter Mountney and Ualingford.
892Miller. Trotter, call Em, now they are here together,
894Mountney. Father, well met. We are come to conferre with you.
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