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  • Title: Fair Em (Quarto 2, 1631)
  • Editors: Brett Greatley-Hirsch, Kevin A. Quarmby
  • ISBN:

    Copyright Digital Renaissance Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: Anonymous
    Editors: Brett Greatley-Hirsch, Kevin A. Quarmby
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Fair Em (Quarto 2, 1631)

    of Manchester.
    And get we once to Seas, I force not then,
    860We quickly shall attaine the English shore.
    Blanch. But this I vrge you with your former oath.
    You shall not seeke to violate mine honour,
    Vntill our marriage rights be all performed.
    William. Mariana, here I sweare to thee by heauen.
    865And by the honour that I beare to Armes,
    Neuer to seeke or craue at hands of thee
    The spoyle of honourable chastitie
    Vntill we do attaine the English coast,
    Where thou shalt be my right espoused Queene.
    870Blanch. In hope your oath proceedeth from your heart,
    Lets leaue the Court, and betake vs to his power
    That gouernes all things to his mightie will,
    And will reward the iust with endlesse ioye,
    And plague the bad with most extreme annoy,
    875William. Lady as little tarriance as we may,
    Least some mis-fortune happen by the way.
    Exit Blanch and William.
    Enter the Miller, his man Trotter, & Manuile.
    Miller. I tell you sir it is no little greefe to mee,
    880You should so hardly conceit of my daughter,
    Whose honest report, though I saie it,
    Was neuer blotted with any title of defamation.
    Manuile. Father Miller, the repaire of those gentlemen to your (house,
    Hath giuen me great occasion to mislike.
    885Miller. As for those gentlemen, I neuer saw in them
    Any euill intreatie. But should they haue profered it,
    Her chaste minde hath proofe enough to preuent it.
    Trotter. Those gentlemen are as honest as euer I saw:
    For yfaith one of them gaue me six pence
    890To fetch a quart of Seck. See master here they come.
    Enter Mountney and Valingford.
    Miller. Trotter, call Em, now they are here together,
    Ile haue this matter throughly debated,Exit Trotter.
    Mountney. Father, well met. We are come to confer with you.
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