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Fair Em (Quarto 1, 1593)
The Millers daughter
971Your highnes knowes Mariana was my loue,
972Sole paragon and mistres of my thoughts.
973Is it likely I should know of her departure,
974Wherein there is no man iniured more than I.
976Call foorth my daughter. Yet I am perswaded
979Which he to blame did not at all regard.
981It is your daughter is conueyed away.
982Zweno. What, my daughter gone?
983Now Marques your villanie breakes foorth.
984This match is of your making, gentle sir:
985And you shall dearly know the price thereof.
986Lubeck. Knew I thereof, or that there was intent
987In Robert thus to steale your highnes daughter:
991And minion, otherwise it cannot be,
992But you are an agent in this trecherie.
993I will reuenge it throughly on you both.
995My daughter stolen away?
1001Withall, that Blanch be sent me home againe,