Not Peer Reviewed
Fair Em (Quarto 1, 1593)
of Manchester.
791I haue at Sea a shipp that doth attend,
793Where when we are, I straight will marrie thee.
794We may not stay deliberating long
796Set in a foote to hinder our pretence.
798To maske my face the better to scape vnknowen.
802To wrong my chast determinations.
805Whome he thinkes worthie of his mariage bed.
806Mariana. In hope your othe is true,
807I leaue your grace till the appoynted tyme.
810Most fortunate in Marianaes loue,
811Well Lubeck well, this courtesie of thine
813Enter Valingford and Mountney at two sundrie dores, looking
814angerly each on other with Rapiers drauen.
817Not with the honor of my name,
819Ualingford. And Mountney, had not my reuenging wrath
820Incenst with more than ordinarie loue
821beene such for to depriue thee of thy life,
823wherein hath Ualingford offended thee?