Not Peer Reviewed
Fair Em (Quarto 1, 1593)
of Manchester.
717Lubeck. He is my friend, and I do loue the man.
719Lubeck. No as his life Mariana he doth loue.
721Lubeck. So do I Madam, for he and I am one.
722Mariana. Then louing you I do content you both.
724Me, for I craue that fauour at your handes:
725He for hopes that comfort at your hands.
726Mariana. Leaue of my Lord, here comes the Ladie Blaunch.
731Blaunch. Mariana well met, you are verie forward in your Loue?
733If you wil but follow the complot I haue inuented
734you will not think me so forward
736Blaunch. As how?
737Mariana. Madam as thus: It is not vnknowen to you
738That Sir Robert of Windsor,
739A man that you do not little esteeme,
740Hath long importuned me of Loue:
741But rather then I will be found false
742Or vniust to the Marques Lubeck,
743I will as did the constant ladie Penelope
745Blaunch. What of all this?
748I will seeme to agree and like of any thing
750As it be no impeachment to my chastitie:
751And to conclude, poynt some place for to meete the man,