Digital Renaissance Editions

About this text

  • Title: Additional Footnotes to An Humorous Day's Mirth
  • Author: Eleanor Lowe
  • ISBN: 978-1-55058-513-1

    Copyright Digital Renaissance Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: Eleanor Lowe
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Additional Footnotes to An Humorous Day's Mirth

    Close Walk Scenes

    Labervele refers to the setting of Scene 1 as ‘my wife始s close walk始 at TLN 9. An obvious location for the performance of Scene 1 is the discovery space, being a confined space representative of a private garden which easily accommodates one character; however Scenes 4 and 6 also share the same setting and involve four and three characters respectively. To play three scenes within a small space with several characters would be impractical, especially since the staging of the latter two scenes requires physical distance between characters. In Scene 4, for example, Lemot withdraws with Florila, and in Scene 6 Labervele can see his wife with Lemot but does not hear what they are saying. The dynamics of these scenes require use of the whole stage, not just the discovery space. The ‘lateral movement始 (McMillin, 165) invited by the stage始s shape may involve groups of characters occupying different parts of the stage, so that they can interact with each other and be overheard by the audience, but not by the other group.

    Furthermore, Labervele enters the stage rather than being ‘discovered始. This word can indicate a scene inhabiting the discovery space, as in Doctor Faustus, the protagonist of which is ‘discovered始 in his study.