The fourth day's journey, being 185Monday of the second week.
On Monday morning very early, I rid the three miles that I danced the Saturday before, where alighting, my taborer struck up and lightly I 190tripped forward, but I had the heaviest way that ever mad morris dancer trod. Yet
With hey and ho, through thick and thin,
The hobby horse quite forgotten,
I followed as I did begin,
195Although the way were rotten.
This foul way I could find no ease in, thick woods being on either side the lane. The lane likewise being full of deep holes, sometimes I skipped up to the waist. But it is an old proverb that it is a 200little comfort to the miserable to have companions, and amidst this miry way I had some mirth by an unlooked-for accident.
It was the custom of honest country fellows, my unknown friends, upon hearing of my pipe 205-- which might well be heard in a still morning or evening a mile -- to get up and bear me company a little way. In this foul way, two pretty plain youths watched me, and with their kindness somewhat hindered me. One, a fine light fellow, would be 210still before me, the other ever at my heels. At length, coming to a broad plash of water and mud which could not be avoided, I fetched a rise, yet fell in over the ankles at the further end. My youth that followed me took his jump and stuck fast in the midst, 215crying out to his companion, "Come, George, call ye this dancing? I'll go no further." For indeed he could go no further till his fellow was fain to wade and help him out. I could not choose but laugh to see how like two frogs they labored. A hearty 220farewell I gave them, and they faintly bade God speed me, saying if I danced that dirty way this seven years again, they would never dance after me.
Well, with much ado I got unto Braintree by noon, tarried there Monday night and the next 225day; only I danced three miles on Tuesday to ease my Wednesday's journey.
If I should deny that I was welcome at Braintree, I should slander an honest crew of kind men, among whom I fared well, slept well, and was 230every way well used.