The Tragicall Commedie
But I will not call you noddie, but only in ie st,
105And thus I a s s ure you, though I came from schoole,
To serue in this Court, I came not yet to be the Kinges foole,
Or to fill his eares with seruile squirilitie,
That office is yours, you know it right perfectlie,
Of Para sites and Scicophants you are a graue bencher,
110The Kinge feedes you often from his owne trencher,
I enuye not your state, nor yet your great fauour,
Then grudge not at all, if in my behauiour:
I make the Kinge mery, with pleasant vrbanitie,
Whom I neuer abused to any mans iniurie.
P Be cocke sir, yet in the Courte you doo be st thriue,
For you get more in on day then I doo in fiue.
P Why man in the Courte, doo you not s ee,
120Rewardes geuen for vertue, to euery degree?
To rewarde the vnworthy that worlde is done,
The Courte is changed, a good thread hath bin sponne
Of Dogges woll heretofore, and why? because it was liked,
And not for that it was be st trimmed and picked:
125But now mens eares are finer, such gro s s e toyes are not set by,
Therfore to a trimmer kynde of myrth my selfe I applye,
Wherin though I please, it commeth not of my desert,
But of the Kinges fauour.
130 P It may so be, yet in your prosperitie,
Dispise not an olde courtier, Carisophus is he,
Which hath longe time fed Dioni sius humor:
Diligently to please, styll at hand, there was neuer rumor,
Spread in this towne of any smale thinge, but I
135Brought it to the Kinge in po st by and by,
Yet now I craue your friend ship, which if I may attayne,
Mo st sure and vnfained frind ship I promyse you againe:
So we two linckt in frind shippe brother and brother,
Full well in the Courte may helpe one another.
P Bir Lady Carisophus, though you know not Philosophie,
Yet surely you are a better Courtier then I,
And yet I not so euyll a courtier that wyll seeme to dispise,
Such an old courtier as you so expert and so wyse,
145But where as you craue myne & offer your friend ship so willingly,
With hart I geue you thankes for this your great curte sie:

A s s u-