Reason /
then in remembrance of reson hold yee
a glas of reson / wherein beholde yee
youre sealfe to youre selfe namely when ye
cū neere my dowghter science / then see
5that all thyng be cleane & trycke abowte ye
least of sū sloogy shnes she myght dowte ye
thys glas of reason shall show ye all
whyle ye have that / ye have me & shall
get ye foorth now / In struccion fare well
Instruccion /
syr god keepe ye heere all go out save resone
Reason /
& ye all from parell
If anye man now marvell that I
woolde bestowe my dowghter thus baselye
of truth I reson am of thys mynde
15where partyes together be enclynde
by gyftes of graces to love ech other
there let them ioyne the tone wyth the toother
thys wyt such gyftes of graces hath in hym
that makth my dowghter to wysh to wyn hym
20yoong / paynefull / tractable / & capax
thes be wyt gyftes whych science doth axe
& as for her as soone as wyt sees her
for all the world he woold not then leese her
wherfore syns they both be so meete matches
25to love ech other / strawe for the patches
af woldly mucke / syence hath inowghe
for them both to lyve / yf wyt be throwhe
stryken in love as he synes hath showde
I dowte not my dowghter welbestowde
30thende of hys iornay wyll aprove all
yf wyt hold owte no more proofe cā fall
and that the better hold out ye may
to refresh my soone wyt now by the way
sū solas for hym I wyll provyde
35an honest woman dwellth here besyde