P The Prologue.
BOnum opus laudabila, which is as much to say,
Good workes though playne are worthy prayse, and so haue bene (alway.
0.25Then though with Bullus Tully style, our Authour doe not frame,
This his first worke which you shall heare, yet do accept the same,
For why the Story being good, the matter also true,
Doth but declare a matter olde, as it were done anew.
And sheweth forth how prone God is, to helpe such as are iust,
0.30And in that God before all men, doe put assured trust,
Of Susans lyfe the story is, what trouble she was in,
How narrowly she scaped death because she would not sinne,
How wonderously she was prouokte, how vertuously she fled,
The strong assaultes of wiked men, that lecherous lustes had led,
0.35To rauish her, and to pollute, her chaste and wyfely view,
This is the somme of all that shall be shewed vnto you,
And though perchaunce some wanton worde, doe passe which may not (seeme
Or gestures light not meete for this, your wisedomes may it deeme,
Accoumpt that nought delightes the hart of men on earth,
0.40So much as matters graue and sad, if they be mixt with myrth,
Of both which here I trust you shall, as in a myrrour see,
And that in such a decent sort as hurtfull shall not be,
And for because ensample good, is meete in these our dayes.
This hath he done to shorten tyme, to God giue all the prayse.
0.45Thus crauing quyet sylence now, my speeche I meane to spare,
Beholde when Sathan enters place, his mynde he will declare.

1Here goeth out the Prologue, and Sathan entreth in.

P Among the plagues of thee O God,
Wherewith thou plaguest man,
Plague such as I would haue thee plague,
5Or let me if I can.
I wallow now in worldly welth,
And haue the world at will,
Into eche hart I creepe by stealth,
Of blood I haue my fill.