Enter the puritane.
Florila What haue I done? put on too many clothes, the
day is hote, and I am hoter clad then might suffice health,
my conscience telles me that I haue offended, and Ile put
200them off, that will aske time that might be better spent, one
sin will draw another quickly so, see how the diuell tempts:
but whats here? iewels? how should these come here?
Enter Laberuele.
La. Good
dayes mirth.
Lab. Good morrow louely wife, what hast thou there?
205Flo. Iewels my Lord which here I strangely found.
Lab. Thats strange indeede, what, where none comes
but when your selfe is here? surely the heauens haue rained
thee iewels for thy holy life, and vsing thy olde husbande
louingly, or else doe Fairies haunt this holy greene, as euer-
210more mine auncesters haue thought.
Flo. Fairies were but in times of ignorance, not since the
true pure light hath beene reuealed, and that they come
from heauen I scarce beleeue: for iewels are vaine things,
more gold is giuen for such fantastical and fruitlesse iewels,
215and therfore heauen I know wil not maintain the vse of va-
nitie, surely I feare I haue much sinned to stoupe and take
them vp, bowing my bodie to an idle worke, the strength
that I haue had to this verie deed might haue beene vsed to
take a poore soule vp in the hie way.
220Lab. You are too curious wife, behold your iewels: what
me thinks therEs poises written on thē, dispaire not of chil-
Then shee
dren, loue with the longest, whē man is at the weakest, god
is at the strongest; wonderfull rare and wittie, nay diuine,
why this is heauenly cōfort for thee wife, what is this other?
225God will reward her a thousand folde that takes what age
can, and not what age would, the best that euer I heard, no
mortall braine I thinke did euer vtter such conceit for good
plaine matter, and for honest rime.
Flo. Vaine Poetry, I pray you burne them sir.
230La. You are to blame wife, heauen hath sent you them to
decke your self withall, like to your self, not to go thus like a
milk-maid, why there is difference in all estats by al religiō.
Flo. There is no difference.
Lab. I prethee wife be of another mind, and weare these
235iewels and a veluet hood.
Flo A veluet hood, O vaine diuelish deuise! a toy made
with a superfluous flap, which being cut off my head, were
still as warme. Diogenes did cast away his dish, because his
hand will serue to help him drinke, surely these heathens
B shall
An humerous
240shall rise vp against vs.
Lab. Sure wife I thinke thy keeping alwaies close,
making thee melancholy, is the cause we haue no children,
and therefore if thou wilt, be mery, and keepe companie a
gods name.
245Flo. Sure my lord, if I thought I shold be rid of this same
banishment of barrennes, and vse our marriage to the end
it was made, which was for procreation, I should sinne, if
by my keeping house I should neglect the lawful means to
be a fruitful mother, & therfore if it please you ile vse resort
250Lab. Gods my passion what haue I done? who woulde
haue thought her purenesle would yeeld so soone to cour-
ses of temptations? nay harke you wife, I am not sure that
going abroad will cause fruitfulnesse in you, that you know
none knowes but God himselfe.
255Flo. I know my lord tis true, but the lawfull means must
still be vsed.
Lab. Yea, the lawfull meanes indeed must still, but now I
remember that lawfull meanes is not abroad.
Flo. Well, well, Ile keepe the house still.
260Lab. Nay, heark you lady, I would not haue you thinke,
mary, I must tel you this, if you shuld change the maner of
your life, the world would think you changed religion too.
Flo. Tis true, I will not go.
Lab. Nay, if you haue a fancie.
265Flo Yea a fancie, but thats no matter.
La. Indeed fancies are not for iudicial & religious womē.
Enter Catalian like a scholer.
Cat. God saue your lordship, & you most religious lady.
Lab. Sir you may say God saue vs well indeed that thus
270are thrust vpon in priuate walkes.
Cat, A slender thrust sir, where I toucht you not.
Lab. Well sir what is your busines?
Cat. Why sir, I haue a message to my ladie from Mon-
sier du Barto.
275Lab. To your lady, wel sir, speake your mind to your lady.
dayes mirth.
Flo. You are very welcome sir, and I pray how doth he.
Cat. In health Madam, thanks be to God, commending
his dutie to your ladiship, & hath sent you a message which
I would desire your honour to heare in priuate.
280Flo. My ladiship, and my honor, they be words which I
must haue you leaue, they be ydle woordes, and you shal
answere for them truly: my dutye to you, or I desire you,
were a great deale better, then, my ladiship, or my honour.
Cat. I thanke you for your christian admonition.
285Flo. Nay thanke God for me: Come I will heare your
message with all my heart, and you are very welcome sir.
Lab. With all my heart, and you are very welcome sir, and
go and talke with a yong lustie fellow able to make a mans
haire stand vpright on his head, what puritie is there in this
290trow you? ha, what wench of the facultie could haue beene
more forward? Well sir, I will know your message, you sir,
you sir, what sayes the holy man sir, come tell true, for by
heauen or hell I will haue it out.
Cat. Why you shall sir, if you be so desirous.
295Lab. Nay sir, I am more then so desirous: come sir, study
not for a new deuice now.
Cat. Not I my lord, this is both new and old, I am a scho-
ler, and being spiritually inclined by your ladies most godly
life, I am to professe the ministerie, & to become her chap-
300laine, to which end monsier du Barte hath commended me.
Lab. Her chaplaine in the diuels name, fit to be vickar
of hell.
Flo. My good head, what are you afraid of? he comes with
a godly & neighborly sute: what think you his words or his
305looks can tempt me? haue you so litle faith? if euery word he
spake were a serpent, as suttle as that which tempted Eue, he
cannot tempt me I warrant you.
La. Wel answered for him lady by my faith: wel hark you
Ile keepe your chaplaines place yonder for a while, and at
310length put in one my self: what more yet? Gods my passion
whom do I see, the very imp of desolation, the miniō of our
B 2 Kings
An humorous
King, whome no man sees to enter his house but hee
lookes vp, his wife, his children, and his maides, for
where hee goes hee carries his house vppon his head like a
315snaile: now sir I hope your busines is to me.
Lem. No sir, I must craue a word with my ladie.
La. These words are intollerable, & she shal hear no more
Lem. She must heare me speake.
Lab. Must she sir, haue you brought the kings warrant
320for it?
Le. I haue brought that which is aboue Kings.
Lab. Why euery man for her sake is a puritan. The Di-
uill I thinke wil shortly turne Puritan, or the Puritan wil
turne Diuell.
325Flo. What haue you brought sir?
Lem. Mary this Madam, you know we ought to proue
one anothers constancie, and I am come in all chast and
honourable sort to proue your constancie.
Flo. You are verie welcome sir, and I will abide your
330proofe: it is my dutie to abide your proofe.
Lab. You'le bide his proofe, it is your dutie to bide his
proofe, how the diuell will you bide his proofe?
Flo. My good head, no other wise then before your face
in all honorable and religious sort, I tell you I am constant
335to you, and he comes to trie whether I be so or no, which I
must indure, begin your proofe sir.
Le. Nay Madam, not in your husbands hearing, thogh in
his sight for there is no woman wil shewe shee is tempted
from her constancie, though she be a little: withdraw your
340selfe sweete ladie.
Lab. Well I will see though I do not heare, women may
be courted without offence, so they resist the Cortier.
Lem. Deare and most beautifull ladie, of al the sweet ho-
nest and honorable meanes to proue the puritie of a ladies
345constancy, kisses are the strongest, I will therefore be bold
to begin my proofe with a kisse.
Flo. No sir, no kissing.
dayes mirth.
Lem. No kissing Madam? how shall I proue you thē suf-
ficiently, not vsing the most sufficient proofe to flatter your
350selfe by affection of spirit, when it is not perfitly tried, is sin.
Flo, You say well sir, that which is truth is truth.
Le. Then do you wel Lady and yeeld to the truth.
Flo. By your leaue sir, my husband sees, peraduenture
it may breed an offence to him.
355Lem. How can it breed an offence to your husband to
see your constancie perfectly tried.
Flo. You are an odde man I see, but first I pray tel me
how kissing is the best proofe of chast Ladies.
Lem. To giue you a reason for that, you must giue me
360leaue to be obscure and Philosophicall.
Flo. I pray you be, I loue Philosophie well.
Lem. Then thus Madam, euery kisse is made as the
voice is by imagination and appetite, and as both those are
presented to the eare in the voyce, so are they to the silent
365spirites in our kisses.
Flo. To what spirit meane you?
Lem. To the spirites of our bloud.
Flo. What if it doe?
Lem. Why then my imagination, and mine appetite
370working vpon your eares in my voyce, and vpon your spi-
rites in my kisses, pearcing therein the most deeply, they
giue the stronger assault against your constancie.
Flo. Why then to say, proue my constancy, is as much
as to say, kisse me.
375Lem. most true, rare Ladie.
Flo. Then prooue my constancie.
Lem. Beleeue me Madam, you gather exceeding witti-
ly vpon it.
Lab. O my forehead, my very heart akes at a blowe,
380what dost thou meane wife? thou wilt loose thy fame, dis-
credite thy religion, and dishonour me for euer.
Flo. Away sir, I wil abide no more of your proofe, nor
endure any more of your triall.
B 3 Lem.
An humerous
Lem. O she dares not, she dares not; I am as glad I haue
385tride your puritie as may be: you the most constant Lady
in France? I know an hundred Ladies in this towne that
wil dance, reuill all night amongst gallants, and in the mor-
ning goe to bed to her husband as cleere a woman as if she
were new christned, kisse him, imbrace him, and say, no,
390no husband, thou art the man, and he takes her for the wo-
Flo. And all this can I doe.
La. Take heede of it wife.
Flo. Feare not my good heade, I warrant you for
Lem. Nay Madam, triumph not before the victorie,
howe can you conquer that, against which you neuer
striue, or striue against that which neuer incounters you
To liue idle in this walke, to inioy this companie, to weare
400this habite, and haue no more delights then those will af-
foorde you, is to make vertue an idle huswife, and to hide
herselfe slouthfull cobwebbes that still should be ado-
rned with actions of victorie: no Madam, if you wil vnwor-
thilly prooue your constancie to your husband, you must
405put on rich apparrell, fare daintily, heare musique, reade
Sonetes be continually courted, kisse, daunce, feast, reuell
all night amongst gallants, then if you come to bed to
your husband with a cleere minde, and a cleere body, then
are your vertues ipsissima; then haue you passed the ful test
410of experiment, and you shall haue an hundred gallants
fight thus farre in bloud for the defence of your reputati-
Lab. O vanitie of vanities!
Flo. O husband this is perfect tryall indeede.
415La. And you wil try all this now, wil you not?
Flo Yea my good head, for it is written, we must passe
to perfection through al temptation, Abacuke the fourth.
Lab. Abacucke, cucke me no cuckes, in a doores I
saye, theeues, Puritanes, murderers, in a doores I
dayes mirth.
Le. So now is he start mad yfaith: but sirra, as this is an
old Lorde iealous of his yong wife, so is antient Countesse
Moren iealous of her yong husband, weele thither to haue
some sport yfaith.Exit.