Enter Lemot and Colenet.
Lemot. How like thou this morning Colenet? What,
shall we haue a faire day?
Colenet. The skie hangs full of humour, and I thinke
35we shall haue raine.
Lem. Why raine is faire wether when the ground is dry
and barren, especially when it raines humor, for then doe
men like hot sparrowes and pigeons open all their wings
ready to receiue them.
40Col. Why then we may chaunce to haue a faire day, for
we shall spend it with so humorous acquaintance, as raines
nothing but humor al their life time.
Le. True Colenet, ouer which wil I sit like an old King
in an old fashion play, hauing his wife, his counsel, his chil-
45dren, and his foole about him, to whome he will sit and
point very learnedly as foloweth; my counsell graue, and
you my noble peeres, my tender wife, and you my chil-
dren deare, and thou my foole.
Co, Not meaning me sir I hope.
50Le. No sir, but thus will I sit, as it were, and point out
all my humorous companions.
Co. You shal do maruelous wel sir.
Le. I thanke you for your good incouragement, but
Colinet thou shalt see Catalian bring me hither an od gen-
55tleman presently to be acquainted withall, who in his man-
ner of taking acquaintance wil make vs excellent sport.
Co. Why Lemot I thinke thou sendst about of purpose
for yong gallants to be acquainted withal, to make thy selfe
merry in the maner of taking acquaintance.
Le. By
dayes mirth.
60Le. By heauen I do Colenet, for there is no better sport
then to obserue the complement, for thats their word, com-
plement, do you marke sir?
Co. Yea sir, but what humor hath this gallant in his ma-
ner of taking acquaintance?
65Le. Marry thus sir, he will speake the very selfe same
word, to a sillable after him of whome he takes acquain-
tance, as if I should say,
I am marueilous glad of your acquaintance, He will reply,
I am meruailous glad of your acquaintance,
70I haue heard much good of your rare parts & fine cariage,
I haue heard much good of your rare parts & fine cariage,
so long as the complements of a gentleman last, he is your
complete ape.
Co. Why this is excellent.
75Le. Nay sirra heres the iest of it, when hee is past this
gratulation, he wil retire himself to a chimny, or a wal stan-
ding folding his armes thus: and go you and speake to him
so farre as the roome you are in wil afford you, you shal ne-
uer get him from that most gentlemanlike set, or behauior.
80Co. This makes his humor perfit, I would he would
come once.
Enter Catalian and Blanuel.
Le. See where he comes, now must I say, Lupus est in
fabula, for these latine ends are part of a gentleman and a
85good scholler.
Catalian. O good morrow Monseur Lemot, here is the
gentleman you desired so much to be acquainted withal.
Le. He is marueilous welcome, I shall be exceeding
prowd of your acquaintance.
90Blan. I shal be exceeding prowd of your acquaintance.
Le. I haue heard much good of your rare parts and fine
Blan. I haue heard much good of your rare parts and
fine cariages.
95Le. I shall be glad to be commanded by you.
A 3 Blan. I
An humorous
Blan. I shall be glad to be commanded by you.
Le. I pray do not you say so.
Blan. I pray do not you say so.
Le. Well Gentlemen, this day let's consecrate to mirth,
100and Colenet you know no man better, that you are mightily
in loue with loue, by Martia daughter to old Foyes.
Co. I confesse it here are none but friends.
Le. Wel then, go to her this morning in Countesse Mo-
ris name, and so perhaps you may get her company, thogh
105the olde churle bee so iealous that he will suffer no man to
come at her, but the vaine gull Labesha for his liuing sake,
and he as yet she will not be acquainted withall.
Co. Well this Ile do whatsoeuer come on it.
Le. Why nothing but good wil come of it, nere doubt
110it man.
Cata. Hee hath taken vp his stand, talke a little further
and see and you can remoue him.
Le. I wil Cat. nowe Monsieur Blanuele marke I pray.
Blan. I do sir very well I warrant you.
115Le. You know the old Count Laberuele, hath a passing
faire yong Lady, that is a passing foule Puritane.
Blan. I know her very well sir, she goes more like a
milke maide then a Countesse, for all her youth and beau-
120Lemot. True sir, yet of her is the old Count so iealous
that he will suffer no man to come at her, yet I will find a
meanes, that two of vs will haue accesse to her tho, be-
fore his face, which shal so heate his ielous humor til he be
start mad: but Colenet go you first to louely Martia, for tis
125too soone for the old Lord and his faire yong Lady to rise.
Co. Adue Monseur Blanuel.
Blan. Adue good Monsieur Colinet. Exit Col.
Le. Monseur Blanuel your kindnes in this wil bind me
much to you.
130Bla. Monseur Lemot your kindnes in this will bind me
much to you.
Le. I
dayes mirth.
Le. I pray you do not say so sir.
Blan. I pray you do not say so sir,
Le. Wilt please you to go in.
135Blan. Wilt please you to go in.
Le. I will follow you.
Blan. I will follow you.
Le. It shall be yours.
Blan. It shall be yours.
140Le. Kind Monsieur Blanuel.
Blan. Kind Monsier Lemot.Exit.