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  • Title: Fair Em (Quarto 2, 1631)
  • Editors: Brett Greatley-Hirsch, Kevin A. Quarmby
  • ISBN:

    Copyright Digital Renaissance Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: Anonymous
    Editors: Brett Greatley-Hirsch, Kevin A. Quarmby
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Fair Em (Quarto 2, 1631)

    Enter the Miller and Em his daughter.
    Miller. Come daughter we must learne to shake off pompe.
    To leaue the state that earst beseemd a Knight,
    90And gentleman of no meane discent,
    To vndertake this homely millers trade:
    Thus must we maske to saue our wretched liues,
    Threatned by Conquest of this haplesse Ile:
    Whose sad inuasions by the Conqueror,
    95Haue made a number such as we subiect
    Their gentle neckes vnto their stubborne yoke,
    Of drudging labour and base pesantrie.
    Sir Thomas Goddard now old Goddard is,
    Goddard the Miller of faire Manchester.
    100Why should not I content me with this state?
    As good Sir Edmund Trofferd did the flaile.
    And thou sweete Em must stoope to high estate.
    To ioyne with mine that thus we may protect
    Our harmelesse liues, which ledd in greater port
    105Would be an enuious obiect to our foes,
    That seeke to root all Britaines Gentrie
    From bearing countenance against their tyrannie.
    Em. Good Father let my full resolued thoughts,
    With setled patience to support this chance
    110Be some poore comfort to your aged soule:
    For therein rests the height of my estate,
    That you are pleased with this deiection,
    And that all toyles my hands may vndertake,
    May serue to worke your worthines content.
    115Miller, Thankes my deere daughter: these thy pleasant words
    Transfer my soule into a second heauen:
    And in thy setled minde, my ioyes consist,
    My state reuiued, and I in former plight.
    Although our outward pomp be thus abased,
    120And thralde to drudging, stay lesse of the world,
    Let vs retaine those honourable mindes
    That lately gouerned our superior state.
    Wherein true gentrie is the only meane,
    That makes vs differ from base millers borne:
    125Though we expect no knightly delicates,
    Nor thirst in soule for former soueraigntie.
    Yet may our mindes as highly scorne to stoope
    To base desires of vulgars worldlinesse,
    As if we were in our presedent way.
    130And louely daughter, since thy youthfull yeares
    Must needs admit as young affections:
    And that sweet loue vnpartiall perceiues
    Her dainie subiects through euery part,
    In chiefe receiue these lessons from my lips,
    135The true discouerers of a Virgins due
    Now requisite, now that I know thy minde
    Something enclinde to fauour Manuils sute,
    A gentleman, thy Louer in protest:
    And that thou maist not be by loue deceiued,
    140But try his meaning fit for thy desert,
    In pursuit of all amorous desires,
    Regard thine honour. Let not vehement sighes
    Nor earnest vowes importing feruent loue,
    Render thee subiect to the wrath of lust:
    145For that transformed to former sweet delight,
    Will bring thy body and thy soule to shame.
    Chaste thoughts and modest conuersations,
    Of proofe to keepe out all inchaunting vowes,
    Vaine sighes, forst teares, and pittifull aspects,
    150Are they that make deformed Ladies faire,
    Poore wretch, and such inticing men,
    That seeke of all but onely present grace,
    Shall in perseuerance of a Virgins due
    Prefer the most refusers to the choyce
    155Of such a soule as yeelded what they thought.
    But hoe: where is Trotter?
    Here enters Trotter the Millers man to them: and they
    within call to him for their grist.
    Trotter. Wheres Trotter? why Trotter is here.
    160Yfaith, you and your daughter go vp and downe weeping,
    And wamenting and keeping of a wamentation,
    As who should say, the Mill would goe with your wamenting.
    Miller. How now Trotter? why complainest thou so?
    Trotter. Why yonder is a company of young men and maids
    165Keepe such a stir for their grist, that they would haue it before
    My stones be readie to grind it. But yfaith, I would I coulde
    Breake winde enough backward: you should not tarrie for your
    Grist I warrant you.
    Miller. Content thee Trotter, I will go pacifie them.Here he ta-
    170Trotter. Iwis you will when I cannot. Why looke, keth Em a-
    You haue a Mill. Why whats your Mill without mee? bout the neck.
    Or rather Mistres, what were I without you?
    Em. Nay Trotter, if you fall achiding, I will giue you ouer.
    Trotter. I chide you dame to amend you.
    175You are too fine to be a Millers daughter:
    For if you should but stoope to take vp the tole dish
    You will haue the crampe in your finger
    At least ten weekes after.
    Miller. Ah well said Trotter, teach her to plaie the good huswife
    180And thou shalt haue her to thy wife, if thou canst get her good wil.
    Trotter. Ah words wherein I see Matrimonie come loaden
    With kisses to salute me: Now let me alone to pick the mill,
    To fill the hopper, to take the tole, to mend the sailes,
    Yea, and to make the mill to goe with the verie force of my loue.
    185Here they must call for their grist within.
    Trotter. I come, I come, yfaith now you shall haue your grist
    Or else Trotter Will trot and amble himselfe to death.
    They call him againe.Exit.