Digital Renaissance Editions

About this text

  • Title: An Humorous Day's Mirth (Quarto 1, 1599)
  • Editor: Eleanor Lowe
  • Coordinating editor: Brett Greatley-Hirsch
  • General textual editor: Helen Ostovich
  • ISBN: 978-1-55058-513-1

    Copyright Digital Renaissance Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: George Chapman
    Editor: Eleanor Lowe
    Peer Reviewed

    An Humorous Day's Mirth (Quarto 1, 1599)

    dayes mirth.
    Enter Florila like a Puritan.
    Flo. Surely the world is full of vanitie, a woman must take
    1780heed she do not heare a lewd man speake, for euery woman
    cannot when shee is tempted, when the wicked fiend gets
    her into his snares escape like me, for graces measure is not
    so filled vp, nor so prest downe in euery one as me, but yet I
    promise you a little more: well, Ile go seeke my head, who
    1785shal take me in the gates of his kind armes vntoucht of any.
    King. What Madam are you so pure now?
    Flo. Yea, would not you be pure?
    King. No puritane.
    Flo. You must be then a diuell, I can tell you.
    1790Lab. O wife where hast thou beene?
    Flo. where did I tell you I would be I pray.
    Lab. In thy close walke thou saidst.
    Flo. And was I not?
    Lab. Truly I know not, I neither looked nor knocked,
    1795for Labesha told me that you, and faire Martia were at Ve-
    rones ordinarie.
    Ki. Labesha? my lord you are a wise man to beleeue a fool.
    Flo. Well my good head, for my part I forgiue you: but
    surely you do much offend to be suspicious: where there is
    1800no trust, there is no loue, and where there is no loue twixt
    man and wife, theres no good dealing surely: for as men
    should euer loue their wiues, so should they euer trust thē,
    for what loue is there where there is no trust?
    King. She tels you true, my lord.
    1805Lab. Shee doth my liege; and deare wife pardon this
    and I will neuer be suspicious more.
    Flo. Why I say, I do.
    Enter Lemot, leading Labesha in a halter.
    Lem. Looke you my liege, I haue done simple seruice
    1810amongest you, here is one had hanged himselfe for loue,
    thinking his Mistresse had done so for him: well, see your
    Mistresse liues.
    Labesh. And doth my Mistresse liue?
    G 3 King.