Digital Renaissance Editions

About this text

  • Title: An Humorous Day's Mirth (Quarto 1, 1599)
  • Editor: Eleanor Lowe
  • Coordinating editor: Brett Greatley-Hirsch
  • General textual editor: Helen Ostovich
  • ISBN: 978-1-55058-513-1

    Copyright Digital Renaissance Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: George Chapman
    Editor: Eleanor Lowe
    Peer Reviewed

    An Humorous Day's Mirth (Quarto 1, 1599)

    An humorous
    Con. By the masse now I obserue him, he lookes very
    suspitiously indeede, nere trust me if his lookes, and his ie-
    sture doe not plainely shewe himselfe to sweare, by this
    600light I do loue thee.
    Lem. Burlady Madam you gesse shrewdly indeede,
    but hearke you Madam, I pray let not me be the author
    of discord betweene my good Lord and you.
    Con. No no Monsieur Lemot, I were blinde if I could
    605not see this, ile slit her nose by Iesus
    Me. How now whats the matter?
    Co. Whats the matter? if I could come at your Mistris,
    she should know whats the matter.
    Mo. My Mistris?
    610Co. Yea your Mistris, O heres faire dissimulation, O ye
    impudent gossip, do I send for you to my house to make
    you my cōpanion, and do you vse me thus? little dost thou
    know what tis to loue a man truly, for if thou didst, thou
    wouldst be ashamed to wrong me so.
    615Mar. You wrong me Madam to say I wrong you.
    Co. Go to, get you out of my house.
    Mar. I am gone Madam.
    Mor. Well, come in sweete bird and Ile perswade thee,
    ther's no harme done.
    620C. Well, we shall heare your perswasions.
    Le. Well God knowes, and I can partly gesse what he
    must do to perswade her: well, take your faire charge, faire
    and manly L. Monsieur Labesha.
    Co. One word with you more faire ladie.
    625Le. Not a word, no man on paine of death, not a word,
    he comes vpon my rapiers point, that comes within fortie
    foote on her.
    Be. Thankes good Lemot, and thankes gentlemen all,
    and her father shal thanke you.
    630C. Much good do it you sir: come Gentlemen, lets go
    wait vpon the king, and see the humour of the young lord
    Lem Ex-